Photo Gallery

6-7/2024 ARMA conference at Golden

with Tingting Xu (soon Asst. Prof. at McMaster University)

with Nicolas Espinoza (UT Austin)

MTB with Nicolas at Apex park in Golden

with Roman Makhnenko (UIUC)

Group dinner with friends from UT and UIUC 

5/2024 Mohammadali won the EMI-Poromechanics Student Paper Competition in EMI2024! Huge Congratulations!

3/2024-5/2024 Prof. Bazant's seminar, Interpore 2024, and EMI 2024

Seminar talk by Prof. Bažant from Northwestern University 

Met Prof. Boris Gurevich at Interpore 2024 in Qingdao

Hooman presents calcite-SCG study at EMI 2024 

Hooman presents SFFT poster at EMI 2024

12/2023 Christmas party at home

From left to right: Amir, Hooman, Yazeed, Wanqi, Mohammadali, Yida

11/7/2023 Fall colors and more!

Hooman and Brayden prepare clay samples for Geotech 1 & 2.

Fall colors on campus are beautiful! 

Yazeed is determined to get the high-pressure thermal triaxial test done right.

5/11/2023 Graduation ceremony

Congratulations to Yuxuan and Xiang for officially getting hooded for the doctoral degree! I am proud of you both and wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 trips and visitors

Had a great experience visiting Duke, Stanford, JHU, UCDavis, CSM, and Georgia tech to see many friends and colleagues. Also really enjoyed the visit of several colleagues' and old friends' seminar talks at CUBoulder! 

12/27/2022 Yuxuan's PhD defense 

Congratulations to Yuxuan for successfully passing his PhD defense!

6/30/2022 ARMA 2022 conference at Santa Fe, NM

ARMA 2021 organizer gathering and ARMA Future Leader luncheon.

6/21/2022 Andrea's M.S. thesis defense

Andrea has successfully defended her M.S. thesis! Very proud of what she has achieved during the short M.S. study with me and wish her all the best in future endeavors. 

6/2/2022 EMI 2022 conference at the Johns Hopkins University 

Amazing to see everybody in-person again! This is at the EMI Poromechanics committee dinner.

5/4/2022 Graduation day!

This is the best year since the group was established: we have three PhD students, Xiang, Mitul, and Mehdi and one MS student Andrea graduating. Congratulations to all of you! Come visit Boulder often!

7/21/2021 Happy hour 

This is our group's first gathering after COVID situation is relaxed. The beer was nice it is good to see everyone's face again!

8/6/2020 Shubjot's graduation

Celebrating MS student Shubjot's graduation from CU. He is heading to Northwestern for his PhD study!

7/2019 Prof. Richard Finno's retirement party

Celebrating Dr. Finno's retirement at Northwestern University. He is such a great teacher and mentor!